FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH with Blake Melnick
Changing the world, one mind at a time, For What it's Worth...“For What it’s Worth” is an interview-based podcast series which focuses on exploring innovative ideas for a changing world; ideas related to people, culture, business, education, science and more. The show features well-known guests from across a variety of industries and disciplines, each presenting their views, theories, and predictions about issues related to new ways of thinking, working, and learning. From education to technology, social justice to the future of work, from politics to culture change, "For What it's Worth" explores where we are, how we got here, and whether or not we want to continue along these same paths in a post-COVID 19 world. The show will also feature “The Space [in Between]” co-hosted with Cameron Brown. “The Space” is an opinion-based exploration of a broad spectrum of cultural issues from current events, entertainment and the Arts. “The Space” is a free-flowing, non-scripted dialogue between Blake Melnick and Cameron Brown, and may appear as a stand-alone episode, or as an episode segment, you just never know... To access resources mentioned in the episode or to comment on the show, please visit: http://forwhatitsworthpodcast.blogspot.com
105 episodes
Making Sense of it All - Part 2 with Anne Applebaum (in absentia)
This week on #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, Part 2 of #MakingSenseofitAll #AnneApplebaum and her essay #HistorywillJudgetheComplicit, explores the moral complexities of political complicity in times of crisis, examining individuals’ ra...
Season 6
Episode 4

Making Sense of it All with Anne Applebaum (in absentia)
What drives individuals to align with or resist oppressive regimes? #AnneApplebaum's compelling essay originally published in the #Atlantic in 2020 #HistoryWillJudgetheComplicit, digs into the complex motivations that underpin political behavio...
Season 6
Episode 3

Because You Need to Know
Join us for an enlightening conversation with Edwin Morris, the trailblazing founder of Pioneer Knowledge Services, the first U.S. non-profit dedicated to advancing knowledge management among other non-profits. Edward and I discus...
Season 6
Episode 2

Billy Runs Boston
Tony Marra joins us in an inspiring discussion on the convergence of running, mental health, and film making. Tony's latest project, "Billy Runs Boston," beautifully captures the emotional and mental aspects of the sport. Drawing ...
Season 6
Episode 1

Another Modest Proposal ...with a nod to Jonathan Swift
Prepare to light up your imagination as we take you on a whimsically satirical journey back to the smoke-filled rooms of yore. Remember when a cloud of tobacco was synonymous with deep thought in university halls and spirited camaraderie in our...
Season 5
Episode 9

Lucky Time Part 2 with Tracy Jones & Douglas Cameron
When the chords of life strike a dissonant note, it's the art of music that can guide us back to harmony. The latest instalment of Pass the Jam, Part 2 of 'Lucky Time' , I'm joined by Douglas Cameron for the inaugural "passing of the jam"...
Season 5
Episode 8

Lucky Time - with Tracy Jones - Pass the Jam
When Tracy Jones strums his guitar, it's not just about the notes—it's his life's story in the strings. Tracy doesn't just play music; he lives it, breathing life into his songs while fostering thoughtful , personal reflection and a commu...
Season 5
Episode 7

The Man of a Thousand Faces - The Playlist
Well Happy New Year!For our first episode of 2024, we turn our attention to our music series #passthejam Over the past several months, the music of our current artist in residence,# DouglasCameron's has been a cornerstone of the...
Season 5
Episode 6

A.L.M.A - Journey into the AI Frontier with Eric Monteiro - Part 2
Embark on a thought-provoking journey, as we continue our fascinating conversation with Eric Monteiro. We attempt to unravel the complex tapestry of AI, free will, and the human condition, offering insights that promise to challenge your perspe...
Season 5
Episode 5

A.L.M.A - Journey into the AI Frontier with Eric Monteiro - Part 1
What if our future was not just shaped by human intelligence but also artificial intelligence? This week on "For What It's Worth", we explore one possible future in a world dependent on Generative AI as we sit down with Eric Monteiro, ana...
Season 5
Episode 4

The Power of Mathematics, Innovation & Optimal Learning, with John Mighton -Part 2
Have you ever considered how intellectual inequality in education might be a root cause of socioeconomic disparity? Join us as we dive deep into this thought-provoking issue with our guest, John Mighton, the founder of Jump Math. We take a hard...
Season 5
Episode 3

The Power of Mathematics, Innovation & Optimal Learning, with John Mighton
Ever wondered why some people are naturally good at math while others struggle ? Get ready to debunk the myth of the 'math gene' as we chat with one of Canada's most distinguished innovators, John Mighton. A self-taught mathematician, John take...
Season 5
Episode 2

Exploring Mathematics, Innovation, AI Futures, Affordable Housing, and the Power of Music: A New Season Kickoff
Welcome to a new season of For What It's Worth that promises to be a whirlwind journey through the world of innovation, music, and social issues. Our first guest is John Mighton, whose contributions to the fields of Mathematics, Literature, Dra...
Season 5
Episode 1

2023 Updated Show Trailer
As we are set to begin Season 5 of #ForWhatitsworthwithBlakeMelnick, we figured it's time to update the show trailer for the benefit of our new listeners prior to the launch of the new season. The show began in June 202...

Take Five - Season 4 - The Finale
Welcome to this week's episode of #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, called #TakeFive, the final episode of Season 4 of the show. Thanks to all the wonderful guests we've had on the show this season - #DrTomCarey #DrTerrySoleas #St...
Season 4
Episode 18

The Space [inbetween] - What We're Watching, Reading & Listening to
This Week on #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, our next instalment of #WhatWereWatchingReadingandListeningto on #TheSpaceinbetween. As in the past, I'm joined by my co-host, #CameronBrown to discuss our recommendations for what to watch...
Season 4
Episode 17

Eyes Wide Open with guest, Sue Siri
This week on #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, the next installment in our series #ManyFacesofInnovation, #EyesWideOpen - my interview with #SueSiri, Founder and CEO of #IrisBooth.Often times good ideas "die on the vin...
Season 4
Episode 16

Eyes Wide Open - The Trailer
This week on #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, the trailer for our up and coming episode, the next instalment in our series #TheManyFacesofInnovation, called #EyesWideOpen with my guest #SueSiri, Founder of #IrisBooth.Sometimes the oppo...
Season 4
Episode 15

Power of Ideas Part 2 with Dr. Ruth Backstrom
This week on #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick , part two of my interview with Dr. #RuthBackstrom author of #IgnitingaBoldNewDemocracy . In part one, Dr. Backstrom and I discussed the context for change; the eroding belief that our d...
Season 4
Episode 14

The Power of Ideas Part 1 with Guest Dr. Ruth Backstrom
This week on #ForWhatitsWorhwithBlakeMelnick, Part 1 of my interview with Dr. #RuthBackstrom, author of the recently published book #IGNITINGABOLDNEWDEMOCRACY: Empowering Citizens Through Game-Changing Reforms. In Part 1 of our intervie...
Season 4
Episode 13

The Power of Ideas - The Trailer
We are all acutely aware of the stark polarization in our world; We have begun to lose faith In our political, social and economic systems. Our belief that our democracy can provide adequately for our citizens, is fraying at the edges.W...
Season 4
Episode 12

Entrainment & The Power of Sound - Part 2 with Tom Powers
This week on #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick and our #ManyFacesofInnovation series, is part 2 of #EntrainmentandPowerofSound, with my guest @TomPowers. In part one, Tom explained the Theory of Entrainment and his “aha!” moment whe...
Season 4
Episode 11

Entrainment & the Power of Sound - Part 1 with Tom Powers
This week on #ForWhatitsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, the next instalment of our #TheManyFacesofInnovation series, called #EntrainmentandthePowerofSound with my guest @TomPowers.In this episode, Tom explains the concept of #Entrainment - the n...
Season 4
Episode 10

Entuitive Ennovation - Part 2 with guest Stephen Cohos
This week on #ForWhatItsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, part of our Many Faces of Innovation series with my guest, Stephen Cohos from #EntuitiveEngineering in Calgary, Alberta. In part one of our interview, Stephen and I discussed Entuitive...
Season 4
Episode 9

Entuitive Ennovation - Part 1 with guest Stephen Cohos
This week on #ForWhatItsWorthwithBlakeMelnick, the next instalment in our series, #TheManyFacesofInnovation, we focus on innovation at the organizational level. For those of you new to the series, here's a bit of a recap. #TheManyFaceso...
Season 4
Episode 8